
  • British supermarkets ration fruit and vegetables- Level 5
    English/영어표현 정리 2023. 3. 9. 22:57

    The Reading / Listening - Vegetable Shortages - Level 5


    Shoppers in Britain are hunting around to find fruit and vegetables. Britain's big supermarkets are rationing produce like cucumbers and tomatoes amid shortages from suppliers. The big chains have given various reasons for the shortfall in supply and why shelves are bare in supermarket aisles. Britain's biggest chain, Tesco, has limited purchases of some vegetables to just three per customer. Tesco said shortages were due to adverse weather overseas. It said a drought in Morocco had led to poor harvests. Tesco assured customers it was working hard to "get things back to normal".


    Other factors are behind the rationing. Britain's farmers are facing higher energy costs. It is no longer profitable for many growers to operate. In addition, a tomato disease has wiped out various crops across Europe. An industry analyst said Brexit has also played a part. He said: "If there are shortfalls in production in the EU, then it makes sense for EU producers to serve their local demand first. This leaves less available for export to the U.K." Many shoppers are shocked at seeing photos on social media of supermarket shelves in Europe, and in war-torn Ukraine, full of fresh produce.

    -leaves = leftover (식사 후에) 남은 음식

    -war-torn 전쟁에 짓밟힌, 전쟁으로 피폐해진(torn -> tear =break apart : 쪼개다, 분리하다, 분해하다)

    -devastating a.대단히 파괴적인, 엄청난 손상을 가하는 (=disastrous)

    -ration[ˈræʃn] v.(특히 식량 등이 부족할 때 공급량 등을)제한하다, 배급을 주다 / n.배급량

     ex)Eggs were rationed during the war.

    -amid 전.(특히 흥분,공포심이 느껴지는) 가운데(중)에 (amid shortages 부족한 가운데)

    -shortfall n.부족분, 부족량

    -bare a.벌거벗은, 맨, (방찬장등이)텅 빈 ex)The fridge was completely bare.


    -adverse weather overseas.

    -adverse a. bad or unfavorable, not good

    -drought 미국식 [ draʊt ]n.가뭄

    -growers n.재배자(사) ex)a tobacco grower 담배재배회사

    -wipe out ~을 완전히 파괴하다(없애버리다) 

       to kill or destroy (someone or something) completely

     ex) The bird influenza is spreading recklessly as if it would wipe out all chickens from this country

     조류 독감이 이 나라에서 닭의 씨를 말릴 듯이 무섭게 퍼지고 있다.

    -have/play a part (in something)1.

    (~에) 관여하다.        

    She plays an active part in local politics. 그녀는 지역 정치에 적극 관여하고 있다.

    play part in :숙어 to be involved in, to be a factor in


    to just three per customer. 1명 3토메이토
    ->one customer  can only buy three tomatoes or vestables,,

    in this case, three pronoues and ad

     leaves :remaining left over

    war-torn : 표현 형용사 torn mean broken apart  


     let’s say  you want borrow some money i meet my friend at startbucks for a long time,
    "hey listen, I'm having a lot of finance trouble, would you mind borrow some money?
    when you go outsid to parking my car is bens but they have a k3.
    at war (with): 전쟁 중의
    we are not at war and we don't have any food 
    but Ukraine  are at war and they have unlimited a lof of food.

    image two people trying to get a job interview
    one person is perfect, well dressed, brush teeth..
    and that person didn't get the job.

    the person who got the job ,,he had a wrong tee..?


    I took off Half day off

    shouldn't I have been?  ex)Shouldn't I have been informed about this? 



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