Could 랑 Was able to 차이점_ BBC learning EnglishEnglish/영어표현 정리 2023. 7. 3. 19:10
https://youtu.be/_X-9UGsR8T0Could 🆚 Was able toPositive sentences:1. Could General Past abilityex)I could run really fast when I was younger. But we do use ‘could’ for a specific event if. We use verbs related to senses or thought processes. I could feel the wind in my face I could remember my coach’s advice. 2.Was able toSpecificAchievementex)I was able to win a medal. Negative sentences:(it’s ..
빨간모자쌤 영어공부하기_당황하다 표현English/영어표현 정리 2023. 7. 3. 18:59
https://youtu.be/jSboPHN5EII 🔘(난) 이럴 줄 알았어 I saw this(that) coming. -I should’ve seen this coming. I knew this would happen. I knew this would happen. 🔘왠지 이런 일이 생길 것 같았어. I had a feeling something like this would(was going to)happen. I thought 으로 바꾸면 ‘왠지’느낌 사라짐 🔘(뭔가)느낌이 안 좋은데,, I have a bad feeling. (어떤 일을 이제 막 하려고 하는 순간, 그 직전에) I have a bad feeling about this. 🔘느낌이 좋은데. I uldn’t have gotten so ..
[라이브아카데미] 일상 대화 영어공부_supposed/ever since/now/wasn’t like this)English/영어표현 정리 2023. 4. 14. 13:44
A: What’s wrong with this? B:why? A:The hinge. Why is it like this? B: oh that? Yeah. It’s always been like that. 아 그거 항상 그랬어 A:이게 원래 이런거라고? (Supposed 원래 이런게 정상인거야? 원래 그렇다고?의미) You mean it’s supposed to be like this? B: No. I mean it’s been like that for a while now. 아니. 이런 지 이제(now 현재 기준으로 봐서 됐다고 쓰이는 말, 중요하진 않지만 자주 쓰는 표혐) 좀 됐다고 It’s been several months now. A: 지난번에 봤을 때 안 이랬는데 It wasn’t like th..
[라이브아카데미]영어복습_표현English/영어표현 정리 2023. 4. 12. 18:29
시작은 진짜 괜찮았어 It started off really well. (시작과 끝이 있고 중간에 과정이 있는 것글 말할때 ex.회의 it could be like someone’s birthday party. 관계도 가능.) -때문이었는지는 몰라도 I don’t know if it was because of its exotic setting, But the first several episodes were really interesting. 이국적인 설정때문이었는디 몰라도, 첫 몇 편은 정말 재밌었어. The first several episodes~표현 쓸 줄 알기 It wasn’t until the 4th or 5th episode that I started to get a little antsy...
영어기초다지기 (관계절) -라이브 아카데미English/영어표현 정리 2023. 1. 4. 20:31
1. The samething I always get 항상 얻는 What did you get? (뭐샀어?뭐먹었어?뭐 주문? 다됨) I just got the same thing I always get. (늘 먹는 걸로 주문했어, 항상 먹는거 샀어, 먹었어, 주문했어 get!!!의 능력) 2. The same place I went to last year 우리 작년에 갔던 데 또 갔어 We went to the same place we went to last year. (..the same place as last year) Same 이 ‘또’ 느낌! 지난번이랑 같은 호텔에 묵었어. I stayed at the same hotel I stayed at last time. (The same hotel as..