
  • 빨간모자쌤 영어공부하기_당황하다 표현
    English/영어표현 정리 2023. 7. 3. 18:59


    🔘(난) 이럴 줄 알았어
    I saw this(that) coming.
    -I should’ve seen this coming.
    I knew this would happen.
    I knew this would happen.

    🔘왠지 이런 일이 생길 것 같았어.
    I had a feeling something like this
    would(was going to)happen.
    I thought 으로 바꾸면 ‘왠지’느낌 사라짐

    🔘(뭔가)느낌이 안 좋은데,,
    I have a bad feeling.
    (어떤 일을 이제 막 하려고 하는 순간, 그 직전에)
    I have a bad feeling about this.

    🔘느낌이 좋은데.
    I uldn’t have gotten so carried away last night I have a good feeling.
    I have a good feeling about this.
    Trust me. I have a really good feeling about this.

    🔘아.. 이런 걸 생각한 게 아닌데
    This is not what I had in mind.

    It can be frustrating. (참고)

    1. I haven’t — in a while / in a long time.
    “와, 여기 진짜 오랜만이다.“
    I haven’t been here in so long.
    I haven’t seen this in so long.

    “친구들이랑 오랜만에 만나서 술 먹었어요.”
    -친구들 만나서 술 먹었어요.
    -오랜만이었어요 (과거)
    I met up with some old friends and we went out for a drink. We hadn’t done that in quite a while.

    이번 주말에 친구들 몇명이랑 술 먹을 거에요.
    (오랜만인데 아직도 사실)
    I’m going to meet up with some friends and go out for drinks. We haven’t done that in so long한지 오래됐으면 ➡️ haven’t,
    이미 오래된 걸 했으면 ➡️ hadn’t)

    대화로도 상상가능해야함!
    A: What did yo do over the weekend?
    B: Oh, some friends and I went out for a drink.
    A: OH, that’s nice.
    B: Yeah, We hadn’t done that in quite a while.
    🩵당황하다 / 놀라다
    - 마트에서 지갑 없어서 당황스러운건 ➡️panic
    I couldn’t find my wallet, I started to panic.

    🧊누가 갑자기 질문 했을 때(놀란쪽)
    -catch (one) off guard
    -take someone by surprise
    -freak out

    🧊어쩔 줄 모르겠을때
    -not know what to do

    -overdo(overdid / overdone)
    -get carried away(많이씀, 뭔가에 순간 심취해서 하게되는 것)
    -take something / things too far(뭔가에 대한 조절 실패해서 과하게 하는 것)
    -be dramatic (to respond to something in a dramatic way)

    you shouldn’t had overdone drink last night.
    ➡️ you shouldn’t have gotten so carried away last night.( better표현, drink 안써도됨)

    A: Are you all right?
    B: oh, yeah. I think I just got a little carried away
    (=I think I just overdid it ) at the gym.

    I was just trying to teach him about responsibility and I think I may have take it a little too far.(

    She suddenly asked me a question and it took me by surprise. and I panicked.

    *embarrassing: 창피한



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